Looking on the world with Gratitude. How to just stand still and say ‘thank you’ when times are tough.


Given the horrors of recent events in on our European doorstep in Nice and Turkey, and the uncertainty felt by many in the wake of Brexit and a country in new hands, it can be easy for this to be an overwhelmingly unsettling time. Suddenly we are watching the news 24/7, we are thinking twice before holidaying abroad, looking at every passing lorry with wary suspicion. We are putting ourselves on a state of high alert.

So how do we stand tall and resilient in the face of it all and make sure that we don’t take the weight of the world on our own shoulders? We take a moment to stand still and say ‘thank you’. Yes, you heard it – ‘thank you’.

No matter how dark the world gets, we can always continue to see the colour if we choose to. On a smaller, individual, personal, intimate scale, the world immediately around us still continues to offer so much. We must choose to still see this, to still see the good in the little things, and more importantly, to acknowledge it.

Before I go to bed each night, I scribble ‘5 things to be grateful for’ on a notebook at the side of my bed. It’s amazing how many things there are even on a what seems like a bad day, and amazing how much better I sleep for acknowledging them and saying a quiet ‘thank you’ to the world.

When we look at the world from a place of gratitude it doesn’t beat us, it looks after us, it helps us win. And guaranteed there will be things in your everyday which pleasantly surprise you, make you smile, move you forwards.

What 5 things could you be grateful for today? Share some of them with me to get you started today – I would love to know what really matters to you. Write to me at www.iamstrongcoaching.co.uk/contact-us



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